sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2017

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 275

To live in the present day in this contemporary world, is above all to have the possibility to know the transformations in progress at different levels of progress that occurs in the field of science and technology in the global space.

However, we are seeing a revolution characterized by a radical change in the paradigm of societies resulting from profound changes in technology, by the most versatile and sophisticated scientific knowledge.

In fact, the "utopias" of the past by some protagonists in the incessant quest to discover paths and paths that lead to the "happiness" of humanity, by the insistence of offering a "better world", by the multiplicity of mechanisms with the purpose of promoting the Quality of life and well-being.

It was undoubtedly the concern of a great number of personalities, in the diversified areas of knowledge, through their research and experiences in various fields of knowledge, however, many of these experiences were in the way (...), because they are inconclusive.

Accordingly, there were setbacks and failures in the construction of "these utopias," mainly because of the divergence between these protagonists. However, in recognition of the truth, they greatly dignified their intention to promote a "better life" for humanity.

In fact, it was not until much later that these concerns became concrete facts that the systematic and systematic study by some minds of our contemporary world made possible, and is now a reality at all levels in the current conjuncture.

In addition, however, all areas of human activity are integrated with this plausible reality of our day, a daily observation by the various parameters, especially by the analysis that values ​​a situation that is expressed by statistics.

These transformations are caused by technological and scientific development, and as a predictable result that every day knowledge is more notorious that translates into reality, a dynamic to be taken into account with immense advantages.

This reality absorbs, in a way that is in fact a universal comprehension, the sensation we have of the contemporary world in which we live, by the domination of these technologies in the majority of people.

It emphasizes its effectiveness in the massive development of information throughout the global space, and the proliferation that is triggered by information has already become widespread in almost all people due to the easier access they currently have.

It is clear that in dealing with totally new situations adaptation is necessary, a natural aim for methodological aptitude arising from the procedures of these new technologies.

These transformations, based on a systematized model with the purpose of greater speed, that guarantee, on the one hand, the rescheduling of the time, because it saves more time than it is used for other tasks.

Thus, it is believed that the economic progress, resulting from productivity, now more consolidated, given the new measures implemented in this sense achieved better results, being possible to verify by the indices of production.

It is indeed a profitable time, in which various forms of work have become better, especially for the qualification of the attribution of a certain competence that was verified by the quality achieved.

However, self-esteem, as well as self-concept that some employees have acquired, given the attitude to work that have contributed positively to the character of more pronounced and responsible personality.

In life and in the time in which we live, there is in fact the intention of adaptability to the new paradigm, also transversal in modern societies, in which its collaborators must embrace these practices.

They embody values ​​underlying the work activities that dignify them, because they are at the heart of all performance as a primary objective.

This assertive conviction for work has garnered the attention of its stakeholders, both of them, employers and employees, whose purpose is to carry forward with personal and professional success that is reflected in the life of each one.

In the expectation that our discourse may leave more considerations on the theme of "irreversibility of time." António Cardoso

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