quarta-feira, 15 de março de 2017

"The irreversibility of time" (...) 318

There are nostalgic moments, however, it is already a "past time", that everything unfolds unfavorably an "apathy" that is reflected in the psychological and emotional state and that lies in the subconscious (...)

The domain of consciousness is of vital importance because everything that is perceived, thought, or reflection, internally builds up this conviction that will or is not possible, above all by the design and will to materialize in fact.

A latent presence (...) that troubles the subconscious, to the extent that something that is supposed to happen is achievable (...), yet this indifference is responsible for the state of affliction allied with the anxiety and the sense of anguish of that impasse.

The protagonist of this situation (...) is the one whose role is the responsibility of this responsibility, as well as being obliged to make it the best possible outcome, because it is good for the heart because of its effective fulfillment .

This period is significant because it brought advantages to contextualized experiences in that sense, that those incompatible and uncharacterized situations of the current situation were overcome, however, by the will and the strong design expressed in the persistence that something positive would happen.

And in effect, the affectation of this "past time" has negatively influenced, and after some time, awakens to a positive "new attitude", relativizing this bad period as the inevitable contingencies of a "journey".

At the moment they have the notion of that adverse period, but that by the irony of "luck" some of these routes were neutralized, having as a direct consequence of these events because they became unpunished.

In life and in the time in which we live, it aims to understand starting from a point of reference, above all something (...) that worries us, several experiences, a list of experiences, good or not.

There is a need to evaluate qualitatively what was good, if it had a positive impact and if it was learned from the mistakes of "past time".

Life is the "continued existence" of an inevitability (...), which is the essence of life, living it and learning in such a way that some contours still "filing", become necessary to have this perception and conviction.

Because every day is perfected (...), in fact is the first intention of the human species has this responsibility, being indelibly present in your subconscious (...).

In a latent form ... it activates therefore, although it does not feel, but there is this co-responsibility, after all the material life is not only the matter, which is extinguished ... it is necessary to reflect on the " Supernatural ", the" inaccessible "(...).

For this "material life" ends in the present material world we live in ... to extrapolate to affirm that there is another life ... beyond this.

We have emphasized that it is "another dimension of life" that is not material but "supernatural", which is the state of the soul, spirit, another aspect of life.

For we are still conditioned by matter, and we speak of matter, as is our body constituted organically by perishable body-matter.

What happens is that given the "inaccessibility", and complexity of revealing in the present material world that we live something that is "supernatural."

Because it is diametrically opposed to "knowing" and in view of its "inaccessibility" that is purposeful, we will never know it in the present material world, by the antagonism that characterizes it.

Thus, in the expectation of being able to leave some more insights on the subject, the "irreversibility of time" António Cardoso

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